Car Title Loans in Birmingham, Alabama
If you reside in the Birmingham area and are in need of money, consider looking into a car title loan.
In case you’re not aware of this option, a title loan is a type of personal loan. Unlike other personal loans, these loans are backed by a very specific sort of collateral: your automobile title. As such, you will need an automobile title in your name with no liens tied to it in order to qualify.
If you can satisfy these simple criteria, then you may be a possible candidate for a title loan, which can provide many positives to your life in Birmingham.
Easy Qualification Process
You’ll be happy to learn that applying for a title loan is actually not as hard as you might think! The eligibility requirements are fairly easy to meet.
We ask that you be an adult, which means at least 18 years of age. We also mandate that you own your vehicle outright and have no liens on the vehicle. If there have been liens formerly, we may require you to show verification that the liens have been cleared. You will also need a reliable source of income to show that you can pay back the loan.
Generally, if you can meet these qualifiers, you may be able to get a title loan!
How Do Auto Title Loans in Alabama Work?
The eligibility criteria for title loans includes several requirements.
To begin with, you must be eighteen or older in order to qualify for a title loan. Underage people who own cars would have to hand over their title to a third party and have that person take out the title loan in their name.
If you are of age for a title loan, your title cannot have any liens on it. And, if there ever has been a lien on your vehicle, you will generally have to show validation that it has been removed before you can get a title loan.
There also must be some worth to your vehicle. For this reason, newer vehicles or vehicles that are less than ten years old usually are the greatest choices for title loan financing. While just about any automobile can get you some funds if your loan application is approved, the more your car is worth, the larger the title loan total you’re likely to be approved for.
Finally, understand that you will need a proven way to satisfy your title loan. For most people, that’s a job. However, disability payments, unemployment benefits, and other regular payments you receive can typically count as your income.
If you can meet these easy requirements, then it is possible you may get approval for a title loan.
Superior Speed
If you’re like most title loan borrowers, then you need your funds as quickly as possible. Don’t worry. We certainly understand that time is of the essence, which is why we try to process loan applications as quickly as possible.
This may not be the case with more traditional lending options. With other options, the application process can be tedious. It could take you a while just to gather all the necessary documentation and fill out the application. Then, you may be expected to wait several days or even more, especially during peak times, for your loan application to be looked at. If approval rates are low, you could wait all that time just to find out you’re not approved for the loan. And, even if you do get approved, it’s possible that you could wait longer for your funds to be distributed to you, and then even more time for them to clear and be available for use.
As you can see, other types of loans may not be a good fit for the borrower in a hurry.
A Few Other Things to Note
Your credit is not the only factor in determining whether or not you can borrow with us. Instead, we also focus on whether or not you have a reliable source of money that will enable you to pay back the loan and on the worth in your car. Generally, the more your car is worth, if you’re approved, the more you can borrow.
Of course, it’s not just new cars that are eligible for a title loan. Even older vehicles still sometimes have worth in them, so you may still qualify for a loan of some amount with an older car. Plus, it’s often better to borrow less to keep your interest low and to make your loan easier to pay off.
Remember also that, no matter how much loan money you are offered, you can decide how much you borrow. You’re never coerced into taking the full loan amount offered to you, which makes it easier to do what you need but also to borrow responsibly.
What do I do from here?
You can submit your application fully online or over the phone. We invite you to take the beginning steps right now. The sooner you do, the sooner you can have the funds you need!
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