Car Title Loans in Columbia, South Carolina
Car Title Loans in Columbia, South Carolina
When you require money quickly in the Columbia area, it’s easy to feel like you have no choices and nowhere to turn. Luckily, you do have choices if you own an automobile.
When you possess a vehicle with a title in your name, you always have a dependable way of getting cash to look to. All you need to do is take out a title loan. Title loans, in case you’re not familiar, are loans accessible through LoanCenter that are becoming more and more popular among Columbia area borrowers and for good reason.
These loans are given to borrowers who are willing to offer their vehicle titles as loan security, which makes these loans very easy to get. Plus, in addition to being an incredibly convenient alternative, title loans also happen to come with several great advantages.
Avoid Selling Your Possessions
All too often, we hear about people selling things they possess when they get into a bad financial situation. They might sacrifice jewelry, heirlooms, or other objects important to them just to try and get some income when they’re in major need. This is particularly sad since these people have such an easy and more viable option available to them: getting a title loan.
If you have a vehicle, there’s no need to sell or pawn something you value. Just use your vehicle title as collateral, keep driving your car, and get the cash you want, and then pay it back over time. What could be easier?
The Loan That’s Easy to Get
Most sorts of loans have very strict requirements that borrowers must meet in order to qualify. Often, this includes great credit.
Car title loans, alternately, are not nearly as strict. So, even if you have been deemed unqualified for other types of loans, there’s a great chance you can still qualify for a title loan. However, you do need an automobile with a clear title. If there have been any liens on the vehicle in the past, that doesn’t immediately disqualify you, but you may need to prove that those liens have been lifted before you can qualify.
In addition to the vehicle title, you’ll need proof of identity, as well as proof of verifiable income. This is to demonstrate that you’ll be able to satisfy the loan. In terms of your credit, you can qualify even with imperfect credit or no credit, though having good or decent credit can help you to qualify for a better interest rate. However, even when borrowers have poor credit, we still provide some of the most fair interest rates possible.
As you can tell, the qualifications for title loans are not difficult. Almost anyone can get one. And, the more your automobile is worth, the more money you can qualify for. So, if you have a more modern car or a car that’s otherwise very valuable, getting the money you need shouldn’t be a problem. You can usually borrow any amount that’s less than the car’s overall value.
However, drivers with less valuable cars can still borrow. And, sometimes, borrowing smaller amounts with an older vehicle or just not taking the entire amount you’re able to get can be wise. It can make the loan more manageable and easy to pay back. Ultimately, we’ll let you know what you can borrow, and then you can make your own decisions from there.
Lenders Who Put You First
A benefit of financing through us is that we can help people from all walks of life. In fact, we frequently approve people who have poor credit or lower than average incomes. And, once we decide to work with you, we’ll keep working with you.
We offer flexible repayment options, and we’re easy to deal with if you need to make any changes to your payment agreement. Just keep us informed! Also, unlike many other lenders, we do not charge a fee or punish you in any way for paying your loan off ahead of time. In fact, we think it’s a great way for you to save money, and we even encourage it because we truly are on your team!
Does Your Credit Affect Your Loan Eligibility?
Here at LoanCenter, we do take a look at your current credit situation and overall credit history. However, if these things are less than perfect, don’t assume that you cannot borrow from us. We pride ourselves on always looking at the “big picture” of a borrower and offering loans to people with both great credit and poor credit or even no credit at all.
What’s even better is that many of the borrowers who enter into a loan agreement with poor credit or no credit leave it with a much enhanced credit score. That’s because, as you make your loan payments on time, this information may be reported to the credit bureaus, thereby improving your score. And, when you pay the loan off, that may serve as a major boost to your credit score.
In these ways, a title loan could potentially help you both in the short-term and the long-term. Many of our borrowers, after successfully paying off their title loan agreements, are able to qualify for more and more diverse lines and types of credit in the future.
Answers to Common Title Loan Questions
How much cash does an auto loan provide?
The main factor in how much you can borrow is the worth of your automobile.
How many days does it take to receive the loan amount?
There is no long waiting period. Once we approve your application, you get your funds immediately.
How do I find out more?
To learn more, you can contact LoanCenter or fill out our contact form to have a knowledgeable loan expert contact you.
Contact Us Today
As you can see, we can bring a lot of great advantages for today’s borrowers. To learn more about how we can assist you, fill out our simple online form or give us a call. In just a little bit of your time, you could be well on your way to a much improved financial situation.
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